General Hospital’s Vinessa Antoine – Time to Power Up

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13081765_1248816031803997_841800377_nPolice Commissioner Jordan Ashford, portrayed by Vinessa Antoine, has had quite a journey on General Hospital.  At first we thought she was one of the “bad guys”.  It turned out she was under cover.  Her subsequent alliance with Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) led us to believe she was going to be the newest player to walk the precipice between staying within the law and snagging the true “bad guys” and crossing over to get her collar by any means possible–legal or otherwise.

Since taking on the position of the fictional Port Charles Police Commissioner, Jordan’s risk-taking appeared to diminish, along with an element of the character’s hidden inner energy.  However, I sensed this week, with the new clues in the serial killer storyline, we may see Jordan immersed in the search for the killer and upping her intensity in her quest to solve the evil crime spree.  Could Jordan actually be sleeping with the enemy?  Jordan eluded to it, when sharing the photo of the Roman coin, while sharing dinner in bed with her boyfriend, Dr. Andre Maddox (Anthony Montgomery).

14159341_1338409236178009_1348947597_nI sense Commissioner Ashford prepared to kick up the investigation as she gets closer to the identity of the serial killer.  Without Anna Devane on the canvas, I hope General Hospital writers will continue to give Jordan more action.  We know Vinessa Antoine can handle it–we’ve seen it before, and I would love to see it again!

What do you think about excellerating Jordan Ashford’s participation in the the serial killer storyline and giving her some major action outside of the four walls of the Port Charles Police Department.

Let’s Talk!!!

(Photo Credits: Brad Everett Young)

5 thoughts on “General Hospital’s Vinessa Antoine – Time to Power Up

  1. Sorry, Ive tried but her character just doesnt interest me. Shes beautiful and talented but lacks that certain something that connects to any character. I wanted her with Sean Blakemore but there were no sparks. None with the Dr. who I believe will be the killer, not even much with Anna or TJ. Shes just an out of sight, out of mind, to me

  2. Vinessa Antoinne is a stunning beauty who wears her wardrobe so well. She’s also a solid actress but the writing (as with so many other characters), is weighing her down, making her seem inept and unorganized. Not an attractive look for a woman who is supposed to command respect and be very close to the top of her profession. As for her love life, Andre (Anthony Montgomery), is pleasant enough but she needs someone with fire to match her own brand of smolder. there was a definite spark between her and William DeVry’s Julian, but for obvious reasons, he was moved from her orbit to pair up with NLG and her Alexis. It might have been interesting for her to have embarked in a triangle with Valerie and Curtis, but against the background of the PCPD, it would be another strike against an aspect of the show that suffers from not being able to solve a crime…….although maybe she’ll get lucky and arrest the correct person, LOL!

    • I can see all your points. I want there to be a lot more powerful scenes for Vinessa, as I’m sure she would rock them! I’d love to see her also have a romance with someone who will kick it up a notch. Thank you for adding to the conversation!

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