Visiting With Vincent Irizarry

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It was a privilege to sit down for an interview with the multi-talented Vincent Irizarry this past weekend at the Starstruck Fan Events Boston event.  While not currently on screen, Vincent has been extremely busy with his music and his new status as a sommelier!

As he shares so many of his endeavors, it would be wonderful to also see Vincent Irizarry back on screen as soon as possible!

Please enjoy!

Photo credit: Laurie Baker-Outtakes Interviews

4 thoughts on “Visiting With Vincent Irizarry

  1. Vince, I enjoyed hearing you talk about your music. and all of your careers. You are so amazing. Love and hugs. I pray you will be a great success in your music. Waiting for your CD.

    • He is a wonderful talent in so many areas! I look forward to hearing more of him music & hopefully seeing him on screen again soon.

  2. Vince, it was great hearing all about how you are getting your music together. Looking forward to listening to all your new songs. Thanks be to God for putting such a sweet and amazing man like the chosen one you are, on this earth to entertain so many. Lots of love and hugs to you. Be Bless my friend.

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