As we enter the third part of this mini-series, I am thrilled to alert readers that the story on The Bold and the Beautiful I thought was an outdated cliché turned out to be handled with a completely new and modern twist.
Without further delay, it is now time to enter the next part of our soap mini-series.
Of all the soap operas currently on the air, I have watched General Hospital the longest, and most consistently throughout the decades. Although I have not loved all the storylines throughout GH’s history, it has been easy to stay engaged with the outrageous and exciting storylines, such as the classic “Ice Princess” story of 1981. The late 1970’s brought the Quartermaine family to Port Charles — an addition to GH that no viewer, who I have interacted with, regrets. The ongoing saga of the dysfunctional, wealthy, and frequently ill-fated Quartermaine family never ceases to disappoint.
Although I am intrigued by the summer teasers, as with the other soap operas in this series, I will limit my selections for part three of the love/hate series to current storylines.

Photo Credit: Brad E. Young
Love: Once again, I am between two storylines. Now that we have seen Brad and Lucas (Parry Shen and Ryan Carnes) survive their year-long engagement, and come close to marriage, I’m itching to see this couple finally tie the knot. I was absolutely distraught when Lucas was a near-victim of General Hospital’s latest serial killer just before his planned nuptials. After all this time, Brad and Lucas deserve their happy ending. In addition, Brad and Julian (William deVry), Lucas’s father,

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have both demonstrated deeply moving moments at Lucas’s bedside. If this story is not drawn out too long, it will be a winner in my book. In addition, viewers are getting to see entirely new dimensions of Tracy Quartermaine’s (Jane Elliot) character. She is showing her ability to be a loving mother and nurturer, as well as a supportive friend — all a pleasure to see. Any scene including Tracy seems to bring the interactions to a whole new level of quality, no matter who her scene partners are at the time.

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Hate: I adore Rebecca Budig! I have been a huge fan since her stint as Greenlee on All My Children. I just wish the GH writers would let Hayden find her diamonds, divorce Nikolas, and move on to a more interesting storyline — the current storyline has been long exhausted and lays flat now. Unfortunately, it’s getting to the point where my interest in Hayden has nearly disappeared. When Hayden shares scenes with Curtis (Donnell Turner), I come close to a modicum of interest, but even those scenes have become so repetitive and predictable it’s hard to sustain my attention. Everything involving Hayden has been so drawn out that whenever something new happens, or a new piece of information about her is revealed, it feels like it’s too little, too late. I genuinely hope the GH writers can find a new angle for Hayden to recapture my curiosity and move the story along at a better pace.
I am looking forward to what promises to be a GH summer filled with adventures. The teasers indicate viewers can plan on the same level of excitement audiences experienced in days gone by.
Please share the current storylines you love or loathe on General Hospital. I thoroughly enjoy hearing from you!
Let’s talk!!!
Great read as always Carol! What are your thoughts on the rumors that Hayden and Liz are sisters & Naomi is Liz’s long absent mother?
Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I would love for Hayden & Liz to be sisters. I would also be pleased to see a “Webber” storyline back on GH. That would be a fun and creative twist — just the kind I like to see.