Lisa Marie-Reach for the Stars Fan Events & Fundraisers – All for Charity

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fullsizeoutput_412cThere are a number of wonderful soap opera fan event organizers out there.  I have been fortunate enough to attend several programs and hope to get the opportunity to attend an event run by Lisa Marie (pictured left with Rob Wilson) of Reach for the Stars Fan Events & Fundraisers.  Her goals for these events stand out for me as she gives all income above cost to worthy charities.  I recently had the opportunity to speak with Lisa Marie to discuss what moves her to put in all the time and effort to arrange fan events without any personal financial gain.


Carolyn Topol Talk:  One of the things that most interested me about what you do is that you tend to focus your events on charitable organizations. They seem to be very integral parts of your events. Is that true?

fullsizeoutput_412fLisa Marie:  (Pictured left with Jen Lilley) Yes, it’s true. That stems mostly from my experience in life. I have Fibromyalgia. I’ve had it for many years–about 20 years now, and I also became ill with Lyme Disease two years ago. Having both of those makes it challenging to live a normal, everyday life like everyone else. People don’t understand what it is to live with chronic disease. It slows you down a whole lot and you miss out on a lot in life. People are not informed, so I would like to get funds for research, raise more awareness, and let people know how it is to live with these diseases.

CTT:  With this goal out there, when you retain the actors to do your fan events do you go out looking for the actors and fill them in on the fundraiser that you’ll be addressing, or do any of them reach out to you first?

LM:  Oh, a little bit of both. I’ve been reaching out to many different actors. I’ve been a fan of Days of Our Lives for 30 years now, so this is fun for me. I get to know the actors, and every single one who I’ve met has been very receptive. They’ve been generous with their time, and for most of them the same diseases have touched their lives with people who they love, and who they would love to help out.

CTT:  So you reach out to specific actors for the events you do. You make the initial call?

LM:  Yes I make the call.

CTT:  My understanding is you have three actors signed up for an event coming up shortly?

LM:  Yes.

CTT:  They’re Eric Martsoff, Christopher Sean and Rob Wilson — correct?

LM:  Yes, that’s correct.

CTT:  Please tell me about the event coming up.

13867082_1313666788652254_1385360642_nLM:  It’s going to be a two-part event. We are going to do the main event on Sunday, December 11th, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. It’s an extended Meet & Greet. Usually they’re three [hours] but this one’s going to be four hours. We’re going to do a short Q & A, but mostly we’re going to be mingling, taking a lot of pictures, signing autographs, and having a really good time. There will be a full banquet lunch available. Tickets are on sale for $155.00. All proceeds from the event is going to be donated to Lyme Disease and Fibromyalgia research. For those who want to be a VIP [attendee] there is a special offer of a Cocktail Party the night before, which is more than halfway sold out. There are only 30 tickets being sold, and we’re more than halfway there. So if anyone is interested in that, they can contact me. You can reach me by phone or email.

CTT:  I just want to be really clear on something–when you say all of the proceeds go to the these charities, is that a percentage of what people are paying? Please tell me exactly what that means.

13874916_1317981154887484_1854607764_nLM:  There is no definite percentage. I do everything by basic math. I just figure out the cost of the tickets based on how much it costs to fund the event, including bringing the actors out, and those costs involved. I do a little math and figure out how much the tickets will cost to cover that. Anything left over goes right to charity. I don’t get paid for what I do. I do this on my own. It’s a lot of fun for me — getting everyone together. We always have a really good time! It’s high energy and it’s a great great weekend! The actors who are coming — I can’t say enough good things about them. They’re all super-talented, really nice guys, genuine people. We absolutely love them and can’t wait to see them.

CTT:  I can certainly agree with you on that. I’ve had the opportunity to speak with all three of them and they’re all wonderful guys.

LM:  Absolutely!

CTT:  So you are not taking any profit at all for yourself?

14569842_1374375995914666_1266638052_nLM:  That’s right. I just get a lot of energy from it — from the people who come — the fans are amazing! They come from all over, not just the East Coast. I love to hear their stories and experiences. It makes me so happy to hear someone say I made a dream come true. And they’re making my dreams come true. So it’s a win-win for everyone!

CTT:  That’s wonderful! Have you used the events to raise money for other charities as well?

LM:  I do a lot of online fundraising as well, but so far no. With my online fundraising I come up with the little projects around the holidays, and I do calendars and make things. We raise money for feeding America or any other charity that touches my heart and I want to support. I’m willing to do charity work for just about anyone out there; whoever needs my help.

CTT:  So you just really enjoy doing fundraising for charities, and this is the avenue you’ve chosen to use to make that happen?

LM:  Yes, it is, because I love to give and a lot of other people love to give. It’s a great feeling to have so many people on my team to do it. It makes everything so much bigger, and to have everyone contribute, and have one big, giant gift to give is just amazing. It’s an amazing feeling, and we’re all on the same team — it’s great! It makes the world a better place.

CTT:  That’s terrific! And, I have to ask, I remember at one of your events, not too long ago, the location donated a portion of their services because of the charity that you were working on. Is that correct, and is that happening now too?

LM:  Any time I mention that it’s [the fan event] for charity, they [the event locations] always do their best to pitch in and help. Everyone I come in contact with has been amazing with their support. It’s wonderful.

CTT:  It’s a really amazing thing that you’re doing.

LM:  It helps me physically and mentally because these two diseases that I have, they really wear you down, and to have something to look forward to, and contribute to, just makes all the difference in the world. I think that’s the secret and the key to these two illnesses — you have to keep your spirits up and this helps.

CTT:  Can you share with me how people can get in touch with you since you don’t have a specific event website? How can people get further information and details about all the costs, times, etc.?

LM:  Sure. I do a lot on Facebook messaging and email. Email is a great way to reach me. I like to do that instead of a website because I really like to get to know each and every person who is interested in coming to the event, or who wants to be involved in any way.  This way I can “speak” to them directly. They can reach me at or call or text me anytime at 516-818-7963.

CTT:  What is your Facebook page so people can find you there?

LM:  It’s listed under “Lisa Marie”. Although it’s a common name, it’ll say Fundraiser Soap Fan Events. I have a little circle that says Reach for the Stars Fan Events as my icon.

CTT:  Thank you so much for sharing all that you do to support research for these chronic diseases.



It was a pleasure to speak with Lisa Marie and learn of her charitable goals.  She was very generous to share her personal connection with these diseases.
Here are the links to the Lyme Disease and Fibromyalgia Research Organizations that Lisa Marie supports:
Here is Lisa Marie’s Facebook link:
(Photo Credits: Lisa Marie, Carolyn Topol Talk)

2 thoughts on “Lisa Marie-Reach for the Stars Fan Events & Fundraisers – All for Charity

  1. Hi Lisa Marie,

    I would like more information on the upcoming fundraiser on Aug 18 at the Radisson Hotel in Hauppauge, NY. (the time of the event, ticket price , autograph session, etc.)

    Is it too late to purchase 2 tickets? If not , please advise how I can get tickets.
    My email is

    Phone number is 516 756-8428 (home ) Cell is 516 754-1097.

    Thank you in advance.

    Tried email you . Not sure it was able to go through.

    Patricia Albanese

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