Run for It All–Ready for Pre-Order!

I’m excited to announce that my new young adult novel, Run for It All, is available for pre-order. Please follow the link, below, to place your pre-order at an amazing Continue Reading →
I’m excited to announce that my new young adult novel, Run for It All, is available for pre-order. Please follow the link, below, to place your pre-order at an amazing Continue Reading →
Love is Love is a collection of poems composed by over fifty authors in aid of the victims and survivors of the Orlando Pulse Attack. On June 12, 2016, the most Continue Reading →
There are so few people in the world who earn the respect and admiration of Elie Wiesel. As a 13 year old, I had my first exposure to Wiesel’s brilliance Continue Reading →
Entering the teen years ushers in all sorts of changes. From the academic, to the physical, to the emotional, adolescents are in a state of ongoing metamorphosis. Likes, loves, and Continue Reading →
One of the first ways children express themselves creatively is by exploring their vivid imaginations. I remember playing with toys, particularly dolls and stuffed animals, and enjoying visits to my Continue Reading →
There are so many steps to bringing a novel from the seed of an idea to a completed book to add to your literal or figurative bookshelf. Whenever I reach Continue Reading →
I am so pleased to announce the publication date of my new novel, Run For It All! This novel represents an exciting new step in my writing career. RFIA will Continue Reading →
I’m not sure if it’s a criticism or a compliment, but when others refer to me as having a fandom-oriented personality, I nod and say, “Thank you.” For those who Continue Reading →
I am extremely proud and honored to be an author with Dreamspinner Press — especially being an author who was privileged to join this wonderful publishing house in their first Continue Reading →
Many have asked how I could possibly come up with #LGBT stories, particularly when the protagonists are males. While the question makes a lot of sense, I find the response Continue Reading →