Welcome to another visit to Carolyn Topol Talk‘s “Spring Into Summer” series! The lovely and talented Marie Wilson agreed to share her fun, quick answers to our questions. Please enjoy this new installment in the series.
Carolyn Topol Talk: Favorite vacation spot
Marie Wilson: The Maldives — it was absolute paradise — there are no words
CTT: Favorite way to cool off during a heat wave
Marie Wilson: Being inside where it’s air conditioned
CTT: Favorite awards show
Marie Wilson: The Oscars and the Emmys
CTT: Favorite food
Marie Wilson: French fries
CTT: Mall shopping or small shops
Marie Wilson: I love small shops
CTT: Sneakers, sandals, or dress shoes
Marie Wilson: I love sneakers
CTT: Beach or pool
Marie Wilson: Tropical beach — I need to see my feet [all laugh]
CTT: Running or biking
Marie Wilson: I love running
CTT: Baseball or football
Marie Wilson: I understand baseball [laughs]
CTT: Movie at home or movie in theater
Marie Wilson: They’re both such different experiences; I think at home because then you can cuddle up in your scruffy clothes and blanket, on your couch.
(Photo Credits: Lester Cohen; Theo & Juliet)
Thank you to Marie Wilson for sharing her valuable time with us. We truly appreciate her support, and look forward to sharing a full-length interview with Marie in the very near future! Stay tuned!!!