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Brad Everett Young is, not only an excellent actor, but is a creative, talented, and generous photographer! He is able to capture photos and videos of some of the most well-known actors in an original and artistic manner, setting him apart from the sea of Hollywood professional lensmen & women.
In addition, Brad has given much of his time and talent to his beloved philanthropic project Dream Loud Official.
He has graciously agreed to share quite a bit about himself, his special talents, and Dream Loud with the Carolyn Topol Talk readers.

Brad Everett Young: I’m not even sure I can remember a time that I wasn’t involved in the arts. I started so young that I feel like I could have been born with a paint brush in my hand. [laughs]
My parents gave us coloring and painting supplies, and so much more, when my siblings and I were so young and it was such a big part of our lives. I remember being just as excited about all the paint supplies, coloring books, etc. they would give us for Christmas just as much as toys. My parents were brilliant for encouraging us to be so creative while having fun and being kids at the same time, so much so that I’m still trying to be creative in my day to day life, and of course still trying to be a kid as well.

BEY: Dream Loud came about a little over two years ago, — actually closer to 3 now — when I learned about so many schools losing Art & Music programs due to budget cuts in schools nationwide. I just knew I had to do something. Art & Music programs in schools ultimately changed my life. I couldn’t even imagine not having those programs growing up!

CTT: What was your process for this campaign and your inspiration?

CTT: How do you seek out the talent to shoot?

I still have so many friends that want to be part of it, and so many agents, managers, and publicists who want their clients to be part now as well. I’m just trying to figure out how to get more hours in the day so I can get to them all! Time management has become the biggest obstacle with it all, but I’m somehow trying to find that balance and make it work — I think. I think. [laughs]
CTT: What can people do to help support this campaign?

CTT: Do you have any surprises coming up for new (upcoming/recent) photo shoots we haven’t seen yet?

I’ve just not been able to get it all polished up and released, but I’m working on forming a production company that will help roll it all out a lot better. There’s so many photographs, interviews, games, screen tests, and more that I’m about to release in big ways! I’ve also been in the process of putting together several programs for online distribution, as well as pitching a few series to the larger networks that are Art & Music based.
I have to keep it front and center in all that I do. It’s so important!
BUT there are a few shoots coming up that I KNOW are going to make people scream. [smiles] You just have to keep watching. I like to surprise people all the time. [grins]

BEY: Ryan Carnes [currently Lucas on General Hospital] was the very first person that was ever shot for the campaign, and I didn’t actually shoot him the first time. It was my friend Keith Lemelin. Keith did the first two shoots actually. He shot Ryan and my good buddy Jonathan Lipnicki.

I’m nothing without my friends. I’m so blessed and lucky to know and have worked with so many phenomenal individuals that want to be part of the artsy madness and help in any way they can. This whole thing wouldn’t work without, not just them, but all the amazing friends on social media as well that like, comment, and share the photos daily helping get the word out on the schools losing the art & music programs. It’s true when they say you have to surround yourself with the right people, and I’ve certainly done that and wouldn’t be able to do this without everyone. [smiles broadly] #Blessed #Honored #GratefulBeyondwords!
CTT: Who is the actor you have shot the most?

But gosh, the list goes on and on now with people who are part of this and who keep coming back in [for more shoots]. That’s the thing — the first shoot starts the process of creativity. They leave already having ideas for the next shoot, most of the time. I sometimes get texts 5 min after they leave asking if they can come do this idea or another, and I’m always like, “absolutely.” It’s all so much fun. I seriously had someone turn around and come right back to shoot more after leaving once. They got that inspired and couldn’t wait. [smiles] I love telling that story.
CTT: If you could get the cooperation of every actor on the planet, who would be your dream subject to shoot?

I don’t really question any ‘If’ factors anymore — it’s just about timing. Anything is possible!
CTT: You teased us with a post about downloading the live.me app – can you shed any light on that or give us any details?


You can visit Brad on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BradEYoung and follow his Official Fan Twitter: https://twitter.com/bradeyoungphoto
(Actors pictured in article, in order of appearance: Eric Martsolf, Gilles Marini, Casey Moss, Jes Macallan, Molly Burnett, Jonathon McClendon, Ryan Carnes, Jonathan Lipnicki, Jen Lilley, Christopher Sean, Freddie Smith, Max Ehrich, Camryn Grimes)
(Photo Credits: Brad Everett Young — Of course! Photos of Brad taken by Isaac Heckert and Casey Nelson)